industrial and office cleaner, category 2

«Үлбі металлургиялық зауыты» АҚ Өскемен қ.
Қажетті жұмыс тәжірибесі: Тәжірибесіз Еңбекпен толық қамтылу, Толық күн
Бос орын жабылды
Құрылған күні:

Берілген өтінім:

Қаралған саны:

   Конкурс туралы

Лауазымдық жауапкершілік:

Shall know: Sanitation and hygiene rules for the maintenance of cleaned places, devices and operating rules for serviced equipment and devices; rules of cleaning; purpose and concentration of detergents and disinfectants; operating rules for sanitary equipment.




Shall be able to: Clean rooms, corridors, stairs. Remove dust from furniture, sweep and wash walls, floors, windows, etc. Collect and transfer garbage and waste to a designated place. Clean and sanitize showers, dressing-rooms and other common facilities. Prepare washing and disinfecting solutions. Receive detergents, equipment and cleaning materials. Comply with the rules of sanitation and hygiene in cleaned rooms. Perform work on cleaning industrial premises, including industrial waste, sanitary facilities and public toilets.



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